Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who cares? I care.

This isn't directed toward people from non-English speaking countries. This is for you, Canada, U.S., Great Britain, Australia; the descendants of the long-dead British empire whose base language in most schools is English.

Rogue  is part of the name of the basement under the Toad and Chicken Inn in Burthorpe, those nifty bits of clothing you get from Brian O'Richard and the bald dudes northish of the Chaos Elemental. Rouge  is completely different.

Loose rhymes with goose and has nothing to do with lost.

Binded and quitted aren't words. Fuck popular usage. You mean bound and quit.

And now for something completely different:

I know why I find dungeoneering such a drag (I can barely get one dungeon cleared before wanting to stab myself with an ice pick ++). Imagine only being able to train crafting by making pottery and jewelry, but after making each item in sequence (pot> pie dish> bowl> plant pot> pot lid> gold> sapphire> emerald> ruby> diamond> dragonstone amulets), you have to start all over again with those blasted clay pots.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Family fun

With the new resource dungeons out and some of them available for F2P, I cajoled my husband into logging on with, "Get your noob ass on RuneScape. There's shit you need to do." Usually, I'd log on with him to show him since I'm crap with directions when not online. This time, he said he could do it by himself. :o Noob is getting above of his station!

I told him where to go for the first 3 dungeons, advising him to take food in case something happened and he couldn't run away fast enough. Edgeville was quite fun since he learned about the brass key and they lonely building west of the cooking guild.

Karamja was another kettle of fish. He got distracted on the way, determined to make the ship fare by killing goblins near Port Sarim, not because he has no money, but that he was close to leveling up attack, strength* and defense. Once he'd "gathered" enough gold (and runes, bronze arrows and bronze bolts), he paid Seaman Lorris (hee hee, "seaman") and sailed to Karamja. As he tried to get onto the gangplank, he picked up 500 gold pieces laying about on the return ship. Carrying around this kind of money concerned him. I reminded him to just run if he got attacked.

Anyway, he found the hole on the volcano and dropped down into the waiting arms of a skeleton, who wanted to kill him. When he ran far enough away to get the skeleton to shove off, a deadly red spider pounced. When he got away from the arachnids, he found himself in the midst of hungry lesser demons that, unsurprisingly, wanted to use him as elevenses. He staggered into the hidden dungeon with some relief. The lessers in there were some distance away, giving the impression of safety, or just long enough to use the ring of kinship teleport. 

The demons ...well, had other ideas.

By the time he'd escaped the walking deaths and scarpered up the rope, he was sitting at half health and shooting me dirty looks.

*He never did get that strength level. He spent the next two hours chipping away at one coal rock in the dwarf mine resource dungeon (the one with silver, coal and mithril).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That's it exactly

Full Bandos, Nezzy helm, fire cape, whip and dfs - B1ll_Schm03

Spotted cape, boots of lightness, nature tiara and spirit graahk - X_StrPk_X

Agile top and legs, Ardy cape, boots of lightness, lava battlestaff and Abyssal titan - Kitt Fox

What do these people have in common?

They all use Daemonheim for fast banking.

Obviously, they want to join your dungeoneering party.

Because, yeah, they aren't doing anything else.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Disturbance in the Force

Sine the countdown of my membership going, I've been slogging away at the pure essence in my bank. I told myself, "Just 1k a day. Takes, what, an hour at ZMI? I can stand an hour running the hellhole that is W70 ZMI". Eventually, the people training there broke me. I couldn't take the herd mentality and being a free taxi anymore. I decided to try ZMI on another world, wanting to know how much I'd get beaten by the Zamorakians roaming the tunnel.

It's quite all right. Oh yes, 99 defense and magic help a lot and I don't get hurt that much. So I'm running ZMI on my own world, contented knowing no one is waiting to shackle onto my ass like a patient barnacle. 

I didn't notice until I rechecked my maths.

I'd been clocking out 3k pure essence a day.

For a whole week without realizing it.

 And I'm not insane yet.


ION, the poll results are in. Kitt wins, so I'll plunk down more money for continued membership. Also, for the 2 people who want me to die in a fire:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You decide

See that poll on the right side of the page? Would you take a minute to throw a choice in the ballot box? If you do vote, I'll let you in on whether or not the Large Hadron Collider has destroyed the world.

And don't click on that link until you vote, buster. 


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two more things

While working on the elusive 5-feathered flappy hats, I noticed my avatar's AI is still awful when I'm trying to target chompys. I'd say perhaps it's due to lack of line-of-sight between me and the chompy, but this whacko delay between my clicking on one of the birds and when I actually get off my ass to fire my stabby chucker (about 3 seconds) can happen when I'm standing right next to a bird or refilling my bellows behind a small hillock with my back turned. 

The other thing has to do with Jagex's magical math-fu. Can you see the mistake in the following picture?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

All in the family

Having seen more posts about the need to stand up against bigotry in RuneScape, I want to come out and say my peace.

With a chat message calling out racial slurs or homophobic epithets, I silently report and go about my gaming. I don't get into a big harangue about it with the insulter or call out my friends/clan for argument backup. I don't make a big deal out of it. Why? I think most of it's laid bait for reactionary purposes and I'm not going to fall for it.

As for the swastika-shaped fires/ashes, save for the impotent, do-gooder, "that's wrong" speech, there's nothing to be done about it. Unless  the swastika creator is babbling about the strength of the Aryan race, how Jews/blacks/homosexuals need to burn in their ovens or talks at all, you can't report them. I will say that's the shitty part of the game's report system. I like to think a screenshot is taken at the moment I hit the Report Abuse button, but I think it only goes through the chat log.

Yeah, I know my not giving a shit perpetuates the bigotry. I really don't care.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Given serious thought to retiring my current P2P account in favor of a non-combat skiller has opened my eyes to something I've taken for granted: traveling via spells, quest items, jewelry, fairy rings and spirit trees.

In preparation to take a F2P skiller into P2P, I've made lists of quests I can do while keeping my combat level at the coveted number three. As I don't have the ring of recoil fighting method in hand, I eliminated any quests that require any combat. This removes the fairy rings and spirit trees for quick travel around the world. It puts a major dent into using enchanted dragonstone jewelry because I won't be able to access the guilds to recharge these items.

Quests aside, magic remains and with that, money making. I'll have to rely on other people to make games necklaces, dueling rings and teleport tablets since I won't be able to make my own. No more grabbing a few runes and teleporting to wherever. I'll stock up on boots of lightness and Dr. Scholl's gel inserts.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

You thief!

My rule on scavenging other people's drops is if I can see it, it's up for grabs. Think about it. If the other person wanted it that bad, they'd have picked it up. Some people don't care if you scavenge after them. Some will get hostile, demanding a death match and/or reporting you.

I suppose arrows could be considered an exception because I do pick those up, but I don't do it to someone actively ranging. I've been in that situation and so have you. You're ranging blue dragons in Taverley and since they take more than a minute to kill, your arrows/bolts start appearing to everyone. Inevitably, someone will grab those arrows/bolts while you're still plugging away at the dragon. [My peeve is when this happens and the arrow picker-upper wants to trade you the ammunition back because they're just being helpful. Like I wasn't picking up my arrows anyway.]

Today, a guy was casting Fruit Fall in front of the Catherby bank while another guy was picking up the fruit the first guy left on the ground.