Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rattus norvegicus

After getting through the cat/rat quest "serials", I've realized why there is still such a rat problem in West Ardougne: my cats can't catch rats for shit.

To start, Icthlarin helped me not totally desecrate the tomb of Klenter. It's one of those foundation quests that has to be done to get to other quests. It went better than the other times because I didn't have to run to bank for food/potions. RuneHQ saved me there. :D And I kept finding the safe spot by the pit jump (just at the top of the pillar, right-hand side) to keep the mummy from attacking me while I rested. I failed the pit jump often, only succeeding on the initial jumps when I had to leave the pyramid to talk to the high priest. BTW, watch out when you run by the ghost of Klenter because he will beat you up, take some money or both.

That led to helping Bob win Neite; an adventure I really enjoyed. I like having the mouse toy to play with.

Thirdly, Ratcatchers. It's up there for hated quests. Walkthrus make it easy, but it's still time consuming. The only change I noticed was I had to use specifically rat poison on the cheese. Before, I'd used the Draynor manor poison. Someone else and his kitten were in the mansion with me and pwning me with rat catching.

It's pretty cool to be able to understand my cats now. Also, I can finish up a couple medium ADs.

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