Monday, June 6, 2011

Math weirdness

I've been using Runewise for a couple of years and I'm finally going to ask about the relationship between goal percentage completed and exp remaining.


Using the picture above as a reference, can someone explain to me why mining, which has the most exp left to gain, has the highest completion percentage?


  1. It's a shot in the dark, but I think it has to deal with when you initially entered in those goals. If your mining was at a lower level than the other two it might have that effect.

  2. G is correct :)

    When you set or reset a goal, Runewise remembers your exp at that moment and starts counting from there. For instance, say you already have 4M exp in a skill and set goal to lvl which requires 6M. Right after the goal is set you'll see 0% completion. When you reach 5M mark you'll be at 50% completion.

    Sorry, I didn't respond earlier, wasn't reading/writing anything RS related for a while...
