Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ty Thorn of RuneScape

After spying the penguin in Falador, I was given an urgent message to speak with Sir Tiffy. I ran over to his park bench and received a short, ambiguous mission: sandwich troubles. My mission packet included my trusty Commorb and the Orb of Oculus. Savant was more forthcoming with what I should do - make contact with the Sandwich Lady and use the OOO to peak inside her kitchen.

The quickest method to do this would be to hang out in a random event-free zone for an hour or so, then immediately teleport somewhere. I geared up for slayer and asked Kuradal for a task. Obligingly, she assigned 168 hellhounds and off I went. With the task completed, I used my glory to teleport to Edgeville and got lucky with my first try. The Sandwich Lady appeared and offered a sample of her wares. I selected a tasty breadroll, accepted the gift with purchase she handed over and pretended to step onto the green teleporter. While she turned to walk to her kitchen, I quickly ducked into a crouch and hid beside the bar. I pulled the OOO from my pocket and raised it just above the bar so the camera lens could see inside the kitchen. Savant asked me to upload the images from the OOO to her directly, which I did.

This is when it went pear-shaped.

As soon as I hooked the OOO to the wireless, Java decided to update itself. The stupid pop-up message had no 'close' or 'cancel' option and Savant and I were forced to wait for the update to finish before I could send the images over the network.



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