Thursday, April 29, 2010


"Clue done. 2 rune longs, 2 rune b axes and black chaps. Worthless."

Just figuring the high alchemy return, that clue reward brought in a little over 92k gold. Is your time spent schlepping across the world and solving puzzle boxes really worth more than 92k? Did it really cost you that much to complete that clue scroll? Clue scrolls are the lottery tickets of RuneScape, except you get the scrolls for free. Compared to the possibility of acquiring 3rd Age plate legs (GE mid price of 132.8M), I suppose it is "worthless".


  1. Yeah I am always happy for what I get! I hate when ppl complain because they don't get like 100k every time...

  2. i have never figured out how to do a clue scroll..ima failure...
    i coul duse some help every once in a while...
