Thursday, May 26, 2011


While walking over to pick up a copy of John Scalzi's The Ghost Brigades, I found this on a random shelf:


I read it on the ride home last night. It's average for a fantasy book; nothing specially about it. Two things irked me though. The first, which I'm guessing is an editing error, is the misspelling of desired, spelled deSired. Yes, with a capital S in the middle and yes, appearing twice. The second is writing the Wilderness as The Wilderness with 'the' capitalized.

ION, I went to buy a new graphics card (and audio card) and found out the software shop is "closed but reopening soon though we're not quite sure when". I am quite behind with gaming, RuneScape especially, and I don't feel comfortable shoving people off their computers just to get my game on.

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