Saturday, January 1, 2011


Been caught up doing things for the holidays and dragged into multiplay gaming (Minecraft and DnD), so any time on RuneScape has been a couple hours/day. Dahmaroc statue pieces are pissing me off this week. Still missing mining and cooking though that's about all I've been doing when logged in. I've thought about unretiring Kitt because she's pretty well finished with things aside from working on cape collecting. Then I checked up on her missing capes and they aren't skills I like. :P All the dungeoneering posts from Jaxana and Merch are getting me interested in doing that again, though I remember quickly why I don't like it - monsters too difficult to kill (I don't expect them to be easy, but exhausting resources on a forgotten warrior is ridiculous.) and soloing (the 2 people I did do a dungeon with [they used me for herby poison pots, bastards :P ] have moved on).

So yeah, no posts mean nothing interesting has happened. Just working on doing dailies and saving for dragon armor (chain, skirt, boots, shield 15M iirc). That's mostly for looks and the few quests' combat, so I wonder if I should spend the cash on other skills.

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