Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The more you know

Firstly, is anyone else getting this pop-up window when on RS Wikia? It's a window that shows up when I try to go away from the Wiki such as closing the tab/window, clicking on a bookmark, etc.. It's as long as your monitor screen so there's no way to adjust the pane. I've been using the 3 finger salute and stopping Firefox in the Task Manager to get rid of it.


Lastly, there's a redberry bush in Draynor village near the pigpen.



  1. Wow, I never noticed that bush :)

    As far as the problem with RS wikia, I don't have it (I am using Firefox). Could be some bad ad on the site or something on your machine?

  2. Yes the redberry bush was a hidden update about a year or so back... surprised me too when I found out about it!

  3. Hi, Sannse from Wikia Community Support here. That pop-up was a bad-ad. We've disabled the provider that we think sent it to us, and haven't had any more reports since then. Sorry for the problem!
