Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Great expectations

I was spending time in the cyclops room of the Warriors' guild, whipping those giants to gain a defender. Another person is there. He's wearing proselyte with a dds and a skull hovering over his head. I keep an eye on him, watching as hit health gets down to half and wondering if I should bless his grave or not. I decided not to because this person can easily run out the door to safety. He died, due to lack of food and I gazed as his little wooden signpost crumbled into nothing.

Blessing graves now seems to be obligatory for anyone with 70+ prayer visibly displayed, such as wearing the prayer CoA, the Falador 3 shield or an enhanced spirit shield.

Personally, I look at the situation and player as to whether I'll give a blessing or not. I'd certainly bless a friend's grave. While training slayer or just wholesale slaughtering, you meet and talk to other players. If someone is being a douchebag and they die, they better be fast getting back. If someone is amicable, either friendly chatter or quietly killing away from you, they'll get that hour should they buy the farm. I've been in both situations, the latter case on both ends. Firstly, I'd been slaying waterfiends with someone who kept nattering at me over my wrong choice of gear, protection prayer, bunyip and loot gathering. When he died due to getting to close to a brutal green dragon, I ignored the angel of death that dropped in and kept slaying. In the other case, I was under Taverly killing baby blues for slayer and a guy was ranging from the stalagmite corner. This guy kept getting nommed by a stray baby whenever he left the safespot, eventually dying. I blessed the grave and listened to his grateful thanks when he returned via the agility shortcut. On another account, I'd been killing turoth for slayer and not doing very well. They kept nomming me for more than I could heal and I'd stupidly been looking at another tab for a second too long. When I tabbed back, I had 4 hitpoints and frantically spammed my monkfish until I turned up in Falador. I did my best to get back to Rellekka via the fairy rings (no slayer ring at the time and lyres were all empty), debating whether to rest or keep walking when the time flipped over to 59 minutes. I saw a message that someone had blessed my grave. I wasn't too far away by then - at pyrefiends - and gushed a thank you to the person who was hovering around the gravestone.

Funny situations are finding blessed graves at Falador bank with the recently deceased respawning 30 feet away or being told to not bless a grave because the person isn't carrying anything worth coming back to loot. When they first came out, I bought the angel of death gravestone and died to the wolves near Sinclair mansion just to read what it said. 

I check graves for names and look at the players nearby, usually happens at Draynor market where people die pickpocketing and just run back from Falador. It happens in Falador, too, though they're mugging the guards. I suppose it's easier than using food to heal.

A tip that I want to pass on is if you do die and manage to get your stuff back, please PLEASE demolish your gravestone so random people won't waste their prayer points blessing it. I've done it without thinking, only to see Jimbimmily42 fletching yew longs next to his grave.

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