Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fire and ice

It seems the bruhaha concerning the fire cape requirement to kill icy strykewyrms reached a Jagex compromise. Of course, this leads many players convinced Jagex is caving in to the whiners. Weren't these the same people whining over the torso changes last month? It looks as though people without a fire cape may be offered a chance to pay slayer points to buy the ability to kill icy strykewyrms.

If you're expecting this post to be the same as you've read from others, it isn't. I don't give a flying fig over either owning a fire cape, nor being able to kill icy strykewyrms.

My internet connection is excellent. My reflexes are just fine. I'm not deaf nor blind nor arthritic. I can do the Fight Caves if I want. I just don't want.

On the other hand, slayer is not a favorite skill. A long ago tip from Simple and Kuittaa was to train combat with slayer, thereby earning exp in at least two skills at the same time. That is the only reason I have 91 slayer. I've never found the lure of the availability of a new monster strong enough to charge in as soon as I had the level to kill it. I may get 93 slayer within the next year or two, but I doubt I'll waste my slayer points canceling tasks and buying the ability in the hopes Kuradel will offer me icy strykewyrms.

I do hope Jagex takes something from this whole debacle, preferably don't attempt to link a mini game reward with a skill in which is has nothing in common. Linking the fire cape with a slayer task is akin to linking a gnome scarf with crafting.


  1. Hear hear!

    Apart from the part about not being deaf, you could pretty much stick my name at the bottom of this too.

  2. Linking the fire cape with a slayer task is akin to linking a gnome scarf with crafting.

    Now you've done it. You actually gave the blokes at Jagex towers an idea they might implement...
